Newport Games Design gets three nominations for the Ffresh Awards 2012

We are very pleased to announce that three Newport games have been shortlisted in the Games & Interactive Media category and the Ffresh Awards 2012.

With The DustThread Bear and Q.U.B.E. have been short listed, the games and interactive media juror David Banner has written encouraging comments about all three games.

The winner will be announced on Friday 10th February.

Students’ Game featured in Edge

Our recent X48 Game Camp competition winners Krunch Bunch, have had their game ‘Giant Ego’ featured in the June 2010 edition of EDGE Magazine. The team talks about the visual references they used to develop the art style and about the technical chalenges of building the game in such a short period of time.

Special Prize Winners at Microsoft’s X48 Game Camp

Henry Hoffman & Andre DaSilva members of Team Krunch Bunch from Newport, have won the ‘Ooh Shiny Shiny’ Special Prize for dazzling the judges at Microsoft’s X48 Game Camp, with their game Giant Ego.

Giant Ego is a game for mobile devices, where you play as a personification of the human ego, with faceless peers rushing into view to either insult or compliment you. The compliments and insults fly on to screen from the sides, ensuring a hectic rush to keep your ego balanced as you try to progress by negotiating the ever changing environment.